Wednesday, May 13, 2015


K   A   M   I
   These are four letters of English Alphabet. If we put together then it will give a different meaning. Most of the people hate this word because it denotes so called low caste people in Nepal. Along with this word there comes the word untouchability. And this word is common word to distinguish Dalits from others. This is a stereotype.When someone says kami, others can easily guess overall picture of the particular caste. He/She can visualize the picture; uneducated,uncivilized, underdeveloped bla.. bla...bla.. 


that is not true.There are other people who are of that quality, i mean uneducated, uncivilized
underdeveloped etc. If so why this happenes? It is because of their upbringing, preoccupied mindset which they can change themselves later on. But they are not ready to change their mindset because they want to rule this community by dominating them. Even educated people are not ready to do this though they know the fact.That's why untouchability is prevailing in our society. Untouchability shows the backwardness of our society.I think this is a mere word,not more than that.Let me talk about other words used to denote castes. "Joshi" is a word that denotes so called high caste in Nepal. People of this caste get unnecessary privilege, facilities etc. 
         Nowadays there is a system of reservation for underprivileged community in different fields which is not sufficient.When someone gets job through this channel he/she will be insulted in many ways.No one accept that these should be empowered.In this situation can you think about prosperous Nepal.?Answer is obviously no.

Stop caste based discrimination 

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