Monday, May 11, 2015


I offer heartfelt condolences to all deceased and wish for 
the speedy recovery of those affected by the recent earthquake. 

                           Nature redefines the identity of human beings 

          We all are created equal but our society divides us into narrow domestic walls.These narrow domestic walls are caste,religion,race,gender,rich and poor etc.Creator didn't create these barriers but the then rulers created these barriers to govern the people easily.The famous theory 'divide and rule' exactly worked and they have been governing for so many years. 
          We have been practicing these barriers from time immemorial.Everyone in this world is eager to practice/apply these barriers because they think themselves superior than others.But the bitter fact is no one is superior and inferior to one another.But time is superior which can change sage into a king and king into a sage.Just like time Nature is also superior that can turn the whole world upside down.Nature can destroy the material prosperity of Dalits and non-Dalits rich and poor, male and female, white and black, like it did in Nepal. 
          Because of 6.8 Richter scale earthquake in Nepal on 25 April 7276 died and 14267 wounded till date.We can read, listen and watch different news about this devastating earthquake throughout the world.There are Volunteers, Doctors, Rescuers from different countries working/helping Nepalese victims.From inside Nepal; government, bureaucracy, agencies, Army, APF, Nepal police and individuals are helping earthquake victims.The day when earthquake destroy Nepal all citizens spent the night on the open ground in affected areas.No one talks about untouchability at that time.No one complains that there are poor people inside the tent.No one complains that they can't cook and eat food with Dalits. 
          All the citizens in kathmandu lived together happily caring each other.They helped each other,they asked each other for help.All Dalits and non-Dalits,rich and poor,muslims and hindus were inside the same tent.This was the perfect example of brotherhood.This was the actual picture of manhhod and God wants to see this in the world.I noticed equality created by people themselves.When i was near a tent,I heard someone saying rich and poor are equal for this earthquake.Another day there was a news on the famous newspaper about zero caste discrimination on the open ground. 

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