Saturday, May 9, 2015

KAMIS CAN DO NOTHING.............................

       Somebody scolded me some years before when i failed to light mosquito quile.I was studying +2 level and i was new there.I didn't know how to light it because we didn't use to use it.He relate my failure with caste.In fact he said that i couldn't light it because i belong to so called low caste according to his mindset.
source: google
     At that time i said nothing.I just cursed myself but not my caste.He used to run veterinary shop and we used to run in my village.My father managed everything to reside at the back side of his veterinary.I was eager to learn everything but there was no one to help me.I used to help his workers there in veterinary because i didn't have to pay rent. 
     The literal meaning of above sentence is Kamis  are not capable because they are kami.He didn't tell the idea how to light it.He just scolded me.He was an educated man.he had persued a B.Sc. degree in Agriculture.He was from Chitwan and he belongs to so called Brahmin family.I didn't notice any sign of  untouchability while living with him except above one.What do you think?Why he said this. 
     Awareness is more important than education.The fact is, every so called high caste people contain the seed of untouchability and they can sow it anytime they like.They can spoil so called Dalits whenever they wnt.I think that we must file case in National Dalit Commission against those kind of activities.This is the only way out. 
     No one can accept above explained blame which is 100% wrong.I couldn't light it because i was not aware about it.I couldn't light it not because i belong to so called low caste.In fact I am not of low caste.I am equal to everyone.I am human being.

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